Kot poročajo ameriški mediji, je mesto San Francisco izdalo odlok, ki prepoveduje zbiranje več 1000 tisočih ljudi na enem mestu.
To pomeni, da bo za navijače morala biti zaprta tudi jutrišnja tekma med Golden State Warriorsi in Brooklyn Netsi. Prepoved naj bi zaenkrat veljala za dva tedna, Warriorsi pa se po tekmi z Netsi odpravljajo na gostujočo turnejo, kar pomeni, da je zaenkrat poleg jutrišnje tekme ogrožen le še obračun z Atlanto, ki bo odigran 25. marca.
The city of San Francisco has banned gatherings of more than 1,000 people, according to the @sfchronicle. We still await official word from the NBA on the fate of the Warriors' home game Thursday night against the Nets
— Marc Stein (@TheSteinLine) March 11, 2020
The Warriors, league sources say, will be directed to play host to the Nets on Thursday night at Chase Center in a game CLOSED to fans
— Marc Stein (@TheSteinLine) March 11, 2020